Seat cover stone sheep round


Color : RE-steinschaf
Diameter in cm
Product number: 60/510-4950-0-35
handgel. schurwolle_grau

Wollfilz aus 100% Tiroler Steinschaf


Natürlich & nachhaltig produziert

robust (1)

Robuster & langlebiger Wollfilz

gratis lieferung_grau

Gratis Lieferung ab 40€ in DE/AT

Komfortabler 5mm dicker Wollfilz
Veganes Leder-Label
Hergestellt in unserer Tiroler Manufaktur
Product description

Discover the perfect combination of comfort and style with our round felt seat cushion made from the wool of Tyrolean stone sheep. The wool felt cushion is available with a diameter of 35 or 40 cm. This single-layer seat cover made from high-quality Tyrolean stone sheep felt is the ideal addition to your chairs and seating furniture, whether in the dining room, office or living room. Felt is a tried and tested material that is valued for its durability, warmth and comfort. Our round felt seat cover not only provides a comfortable seat, but also protects your furniture from wear and scratches. With a diameter of 35 or 40 cm, this cushion fits perfectly on standard chairs and adds a modern and cozy touch to any room. Our felt seat cover is easy to clean and maintain. Stains can simply be wiped off with a damp cloth. The robust material ensures that the cushion retains its shape and comfort even after prolonged use. The round felt seat pad is made in our factory in Tyrol, Austria.

Wool & resources
Tiroler Steinschaf Wolle

Yarn from Tiroler Steinschaf

One of the oldest sheep breeds in the world. The breed is descended from the Neolithic peat sheep and is native to Tyrol. With a warm, hard-wearing coat of coarse outer hair and fine undercoat, the animals can withstand the harshest weather conditions. The wool impresses with its silky sheen. Due to their small population, these animals are acutely endangered: there are only around 6,000 sheep left.
Care Auch wenn Wolle eine natürliche Fähigkeit hat sich selbst zu reinigen, von Zeit zu Zeit brauchen unsere Filz-Accessoires eine Schönheitsbehandlung. Schritt 1: Ausklopfen und Bürsten Durch Ausklopfen werden die Filz-Accessoires ganz einfach von angesammeltem Staub befreit. Viele kleine Flecken und Fusseln lassen sich danach einfach mit einer harten Bürste entfernen. Schritt 2: Fleckenentfernung Unsere Filz-Accessoires werden in reinem Gebirgswasser geformt, deshalb sollten sie nie ganz durchnässt werden. Hartnäckige Flecken können problemlos mit einem feuchten Baumwolltuch und ein wenig milden Seifenschaum beseitigt werden. Achtung: Auf keinen Fall in der Sonne oder auf einer Heizquelle trocknen.
Size Chart Click here for our size chart.
Hint: You have an intermediate size?
Choose the bigger one.
Size Chart

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