The Gotland sheep

There are only about 9,000 purebred Gotland sheep left on Gotland. The animals have imposing horns. The wool of the Gotland sheep is greyish and very soft.

The physical characteristics of the Gotland sheep

The Gotland sheep is a small to medium-sized breed. The rams weigh 60-70 kg and the female sheep between 45-50 kg. The Gotland sheep can develop magnificent horns. The horns of the rams are strong, ram-like twisted scrolls. The females have shorter, crescent-shaped horns pointing backwards. Another characteristic of the Gotland sheep is that the head, the legs and the tip of the short tail are unwanted. The animals are sheared twice a year.

Buy Felt Slippers from Gotland sheep wool

Felt slippers made of Gotland sheep's wool are manufactured regionally in our factory in Tyrol. The felt slippers are felted seamlessly by hand over a last and are available from us as Magicfelt slippers with rubber soles, leather soles or our patented felt latex soles.

3D Felt-Tech®
Rare Wools
Magicfelt 737


2 colors
3D Felt-Tech®
Rare Wools
Magicfelt 719


5 colors
3D Felt-Tech®
Rare Wools
Magicfelt 713


7 colors