Gottstein Store
Industriestrasse 31, 6430 Ötztal-Bahnhof
Opening hours: MO - THU 8-12 & 12:30 - 16 p.m.
FR 8-12 p.m.
Gottstein Store in Ötztal-Bahnhof
From now on you can not only order our wide range of felt slippers online, but also buy them at our Gottstein-Store in Ötztal-Bahnhof.
In our store you will find all our news, all time bestsellers and discounted B products.
Felted slippers
At our Gottstein-Store you will find felt splippers for women, men and children in many different colors and designs. Whether as a hut shoe, felt slipper or as a felt clog - you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for at our store!
New products
You will find the latest innovations at our Store in Ötztal-Bahnhof. You will be the first person to know our brand new styles. Visit our Store and get all the information regarding newest trends and colors directly from us!
"Where people shear, there also falls wool" - because, where people work on something small mistakes can happen. Not so often, but it can happen from time to time. That´s why we do offer our not so perfect B-Articles in our Gottstein-Store.
Opening hours:
Our opening hours for the store in Ötztal-Bahnhof are:
MO-THU: 8 -to 12 and 12:30 to 16 o`clock
FR: 8 to 12 o`clock
You can find our store at the following address:
Industriestrasse 31, 6430 Ötztal-Bahnhof
Directions: from the federal road 171 in the direction of Telfs, turn into the Bahnhofstrasse towards Ötztal-Bahnhof. Then turn right at the first intersection (the hunting and sports shop Astri is on the corner) then follow the Olympstrasse to the second intersection and turn left into Industriestraße. At the intersection after the railway underpass, turn left and after Energie AG take the gateway on the right. Also pay attention to the Gottstein logo, which is signposted at every crossing.